Saturday, August 7, 2010


|| श्रीः ||
|| श्रीमहागणपति प्रीयताम्  ||

This is a blog dedicated to Smt. Poornambal and Shri Venkatesa Iyer whose lives were shining examples of the maxim परोपकाराय इदं शरीरम्.  

Smt. Poornambal and Shri. V. Venkatesa Iyer
This blog would not be possible without the blessings of our dearest Manimma (Smt. Saradambal Srinivasan), who was the glue that kept our family together,

Prayer to Manimma (*)

सुशान्तां सुदेहां कटाक्षे दयार्द्राम् ।
लसद्गानलोलां सदा सामरूपां
भजे शारदाम्बां अजस्रं मदम्बाम् ।।    

त्वत् पदांभोजयुग्मं बाल्ये स्मृतं नैव जातु
जरायां कथं वा स्मरेयं मदम्ब ।
क्षमस्वापराधं समस्तं मदीयं
क्षमाधूतसर्वं सहाखर्वगर्वे ।।

  (*) With lots of apologies to Adi Shankaracharya and 
H.H. Shri Chandrashekhara Bharathi Svamigal.

and also without the constant encouragement and support of Mama (Shri V. Gopalakrishnan), whose unstinting efforts (along with those of other family members) were responsible for the inspiring souvenir published on the occasion of தாதா 's centenary celebrations (September 1998).

(L to R) Smt. Poornambal, Smt. Jayalakshmi, Shri V. Gopalakrishnan
and Shri V. Venkatesa Iyer on the occassion of  Shri Iyer's
Shashtiapthapoorthy , Aug 31, 1958 at Hyderabad.

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